Thursday, October 24, 2019
Introduction 1Malaysia is not a new concept or formula. Rather, the ultimate goal of 1Malaysia, which is national unity, has been the main vision of our country’s leaders before Najib, and has been interpreted in various shapes and forms over the span of five decades of Independence. If we truly study it, what has changed is the approach and implementation according to the ever-changing times and generations. (1Malaysia Booklet, 2009) In other words, 1Malaysia is a concept to foster unity amongst the multi-ethnic people of Malaysia, substantiated by key values that every Malaysian should observe.The approach is not independent of the Government’s policies thus far; instead it complements them to further reinforce our solidarity in order to guarantee stability towards achieving higher growth and development for Malaysia and the people. This means that 1Malaysia is a formula conceptualised as a precondition in ensuring the aspirations of the country to secure a developed status by 2020 are met, if it is inculcated in the minds of the people and practiced by the entire community.If the idea of â€Å"Bangsa Malaysia†which was engendered through Vision 2020 becomes the final destination, then 1Malaysia is the roadmap that guides us towards that destination. This definition is built upon the argument that in order achieve the status of a developed nation in the predetermined time frame, the key requisite is a strong and stable country, which can only be achieved when its people stand united. On the other hand 1Malaysia values and respects the ethnic identities of each community in Malaysia, and proudly regards them as an asset or advantage. Malaysia underlines the value of â€Å"Acceptance†amongst its multi-racial people, where one race embraces the uniqueness of other races so that we may live with mutual respect for each other as a nation. It is a distinct step above that of mere tolerance. The foundation for all this is the principle of justice for all, which means that the welfare of all Malaysians will be looked after, leaving no one behind. Such justice must take into account the varying levels of development of each ethnic community.Hence, government policies and provisions in the Constitution that protect the interests of disadvantaged groups will continue to be implemented. 1Malaysia will continue the agenda of nation-building. To achieve growth for the nation, the people must be the first to be developed, which must begin by instilling a sense of acceptance amongst races, and therefore undivided solidarity. When solidarity is achieved, the task of nation-building can truly and smoothly be carried out. The 1Malaysia formula is conceptualised for implementation in two main aspects.The first is through the assimilation of the Principles of Unity, while the second aspect is the assimilation of Aspirational Values. The Principles of Unity are the three items I had earlier detailed; the first, â€Å"acceptance †amongst all races and peoples of Malaysia; the second, nationalistic principles built upon the Federal Constitution and the Rukun Negara; and thirdly, social justice. These Principles are supported by wholesome values that must be inculcated as part of Malaysian culture, including values such as mutual respect, Tawaddhu', humility and astuteness in forming decisions and actions.The second aspect of the 1Malaysia formula highlights elements that must be practiced by any society seeking to achieve greater competitiveness and success. These elements comprise A Culture of Excellence in performing all duties and responsibilities; A Culture of Precision in terms of time management and improving efficiency; Courage to innovate and explore new opportunities. Meritocracy in assigning tasks to those best fit to execute them in accordance with the Federal Constitution and national policy; unwavering Loyalty to our country; Perseverence in the face of adversity of any kind and Integrity in all matters and transactions.The inculcation of these Aspirational Values will distinguish us as a powerful, respected and admired Malaysian Community, befitting the identity of a thriving and developed nation. In delivering its commitment to the Rakyat, the government presented the theme â€Å"People First, Performance Now†as part of the 1Malaysia concept. This theme signifies that while reinforcing the call for unity amongst Malaysians, the government will also prioritise issues that the people feel strongly about. The government also places great weight upon the performance and results of all public servants when engaging with the people.In other words, the government recognises the importance of the efficiency and quality of public service in enhancing the quality of life for the people, hence the adoption of a people-friendly approach in all government agencies is critical. In view of this, a Key Performance Index (KPI) will be implemented in all government matters, beginning with the KPI monitoring exercise for all Ministers. A Minister in the Prime Minister's Department is already assigned specifically to ensure the smooth implementation of the KPI.The Minister responsible will provide further details on the KPI and a detailed system of implementation to fulfil this government objective. Such initiatives are expected to produce significant changes not only in government administration, but more importantly to lead to the betterment of the Malaysian people's standard of living. Above all, 1Malaysia â€Å"People First, Performance Now†is expected to generate a definitive transformation, towards an advanced Malaysian nation, underpinned by a firmly united people, and esteemed by the world.The media must assume the responsibility to help the government to bring progress and renewal to the country. The media also had the responsibility to safeguard the peace in the country as well as the renewal and progress attained by the people. We hav e to continue doing what our forefathers did to bring progress and renewal to the country. We cannot merely bring progress and renewal but have to initiate a quantum leap, and the media has the responsibility to help in this transformation. This leap demands understanding and openness.Emotions and sentiments must be set aside or the effort to achieve the leap will be difficult. The media should act responsibly when safeguarding the rights of any community, and it should also safeguard the rights of all Malaysians as well. The 1Malaysia concept, proposed is pivoted on the federal Constitution and the Rukun Negara. Besides that, put forward the principles which encompass the responsible attitude which must be practised. We have to appreciate the principle of 1Malaysia in order to build a more progressive country. We have to be fair to all the communities.This is not merely something which we want but it is that which is demanded by Islam. The era of the government knowing better has e nded, and we now have to interact with everyone. And for this, the media must understand the government’s thinking and vice versa. Foundation of 1Malaysia concept Based on National Unity Ultimate Objective Of 1Malaysia, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak reiterated that 1Malaysia was not a new concept or formula and that its ultimate objective of national unity was the main vision of past leaders of the country, albeit in various forms. National Unity Ultimate Objective Of 1Malaysia, 2009) 1Malaysia is a formula which serves as a prerequisite to ensure realisation of the country's aspiration to achieve developed nation status by 2020 if it is assimilated in the people and practised by society. The 1 Malaysian or a member of Bangsa Malaysia, if one prefers; pursues excellence with full confidence and with pride in himself and his country, behaves democratically, holds himself to high ethical standards. (National Unity Ultimate Objective Of 1Malaysia, 2009)Feels that he/ she belongs to the nation despite his/her cultural exceptionality, contributes to the scientific and technological civilisation that awaits mankind, is family-oriented, cares for the welfare of others and seeks to reduce economic inequality, and works hard. (National Unity Ultimate Objective Of 1Malaysia, 2009) The concept 1Malaysia is based on three main thrusts; nationalistic principles based on the Federal Constitution, Rukun Negara and social justice. Rukun Negara is fundamental to all policies and nation-building. Malaysia concept uphold all the fundamental provisions of the Federal Constitution and Rukun Negara because it’s main objective is national unity and has been exists after Independence as it has been the main vision of our country’s leader before Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and has been interpreted in various shapes and forms over the span of five decades of Independence. (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009) If we tr uly study it, what has changed is the approach and implementation according to the ever-changing times and generations.It’s a matter of â€Å"rebranding†. (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009) The â€Å"Malaysian Malaysia†ideology is not the same as the â€Å"1 Malaysia†concept although both were aimed at building one nation. The ‘Malaysian Malaysia' ideology espouses that all ethnic groups have equal rights with none having special rights. This is against the Federal Constitution; Article 153 of the Constitution which stipulates the special rights of the Malays and other Bumiputeras as well as the position and rights of the other races in the country.The idea of a â€Å"Malaysian Malaysia†proposed by the Opposition, championed by the DAP and before that, the PAP under Lee Kuan Yew when Singapore was part of Malaysia. It specifically provides special quotas for the Malay and other indigenous peoples of Malaysia in ad mission to the public service, awarding of public scholarships, admission to public education institutions and the awarding of trade licences. It also authorises the government to create Malay monopolies in particular trades. (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009)Unlike that idea, 1Malaysia did not deviate from the basic ideas and spirit of the Federal Constitution. People shouldn’t fear or cast aspersions on the concept because 1Malaysia seeks to ensure that the ethnic identity of each race is respected. This means that every race respects each other and understands their unique differences. Only then can unity be achieved. The people must progress first before the country can achieve development. (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009)Unity as envisioned through the 1Malaysia concept varies greatly from the assimilation concept practiced in other countries where the ethnic identities are wiped out and replaced with one homogeneous national identity. It is also clearly distinct from the opposition’s concept of Malaysian Malaysia. 1Malaysia does not deviate from the spirit of our Federal Constitution as the law of the state, written or implied. In fact, the 1Malaysia concept remains faithful to the core provisions within the Federal Constitution, Therefore, no one should fear or cast aspersions hat the concept the concept will deviate from what has been agreed upon by our founding fathers. 1Malaysia slogan’s, â€Å"People First, Performance Now†Based on National Unity Ultimate Objective Of 1Malaysia, in implementing its commitment to the people, the government had coined the slogan â€Å"People First, Performance Now†. (National Unity Ultimate Objective Of 1Malaysia, 2009) The theme means that in emphasising the importance of unity among Malaysians, the government will also give preference to issues regarded as important by the people.The government also stresses on performance and achievement by all civil servants in their dealings with the people. (National Unity Ultimate Objective Of 1Malaysia, 2009) In other words, the government understands very well how important civil service efficiency and quality are in improving the living standard of the people and, as such, all government agencies will give priority to the people-friendly approach. In this connection, the Key Performance Index (KPI) would be applied in government matters, starting with the KPI monitoring for all ministers.Our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak begins to reshape the leadership and priorities of the Government. He is mindful that we should build on the successes and lessons of the past. It must be a government with new approaches for new times; a government that places a priority on performance, because the people must come first. Both of it are the same and media do not focus only on 1Malaysia but also on the slogan in balancing the priority of both of it as it comes out mutu ally and supports each other equally.If Malaysians had included the values of the concept in their lives, it meant that the ministry had achieved its key performance indicator (KPI). The terms of KPI and KRA (key result areas) have to understand these two terms to convey the 1Malaysia goal. (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009) Key Preformance Index (KPI) is aim at boosting the performance of the civil service. The KPI encompasses six Key Result Areas (KRA) including crime prevention efforts and the fight against corruption.Other KRA include efforts to widen access to quality and affordable education, uplift the standard of living for the lower-income group, improve the infrastructure in the rural and remote areas, as well as to improve public transport for the medium term. By incorporating KRA in achieving KPI, it helps to expedite the acceptance of the 1Malaysia concept among Malaysians. KPI have direction to take on 1Malaysia to achieve its objective and it is up to the people to accepting it. KPI have to convince the people and do follow up with the progress. (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009)The adoption of a people-friendly approach in all government agencies was also critical as the government recognised the importance of the efficiency and quality of public service in enhancing the quality of life for the people. The government also placed great weight on the performance and results of all public servants when engaging with the people. (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009) Key Performance Index (KPI) will be implemented in all government matters, beginning with the KPI monitoring exercise for all Ministers.A Minister in the Prime Minister's Department is already assigned specifically to ensure the smooth implementation of the KPI. The Minister responsible will provide further details on the KPI and a detailed system of implementation to fulfil this government objective. KPI will pa y off and change not only in government administration, but more importantly to lead to the betterment of the Malaysian people's standard of living in acceptance of 1 Malaysia. With the right procedure that will be monitor by responsible minister that also aim on the objective of 1Malaysia.By that, this will expedite the progress of achieving 1Malaysia as it is expected to generate a definitive transformation, towards an advanced Malaysian nation, underpinned by a firmly people, and esteemed by the world. (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009) Above all, â€Å"1Malaysia People First, Performance Now†is expected to generate a definitive transformation towards an advanced Malaysian nation, underpinned by a firmly united people, and esteemed by the world. â€Å"When we know what the national KPIs are, the people will be able to measure the Government’s efforts and performance.They can also give their views and suggestions on how we can achieve thes e national KPIs. This was a reflection of the government’s intention to have more effective and meaningful achievement as demanded by the people. Issues On 1 Malaysia There are a lot of issues arises when the â€Å"1 Malaysia†concept has been introduced by the Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abd. Razak. The most controversial issue that came up is the equality between 1 Malaysia and â€Å"Malaysian Malaysia†concept. Malaysian Malaysia had been brought by the DAP on 1960.Opposition parties have claimed it mirrored the Malaysian Malaysia concept championed by the DAP and, before that, the PAP under Lee Kuan Yew when Singapore was part of Malaysia. Malaysian Malaysia has been introduced with the purposed of espoused equality for all Malaysian. According to the Malaysian Insider, Datuk Seri Najib had explained that the concept of 1 Malaysia created by him is not the same as the concept Malaysian Malaysia. For Prime Minister, 1 Malaysia means the Malaysi an standing, thinking and acting as one Malaysian with the way of performing action based on the agreement of the entire ethnic group in our country. Figuring out One Malaysia, 2009) Madam Rafini, a journalist in RTM said that 1 Malaysia is totally different from the Malaysian Malaysia concept even though the policy is almost the same. The DAP’s concept is more to giving the sameness right to all the Malaysian no matter what races they are. But, 1 Malaysia is more to encouraged people to think, work and having achievement together as a Malaysian. In addition, it is hopefully that it will bring unity to all races in Malaysia. Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009) Besides that, the slogan created had brought misinterpretation to some people. They claiming that 1 Malaysia is just a political gimmick and it will erode the privilege of Malays. Not long after the concept was introduced into the public domain, the ruling party and its media organisations moved to narrow the perimeters of the concept, concerned that it would signal the end of affirmative action and special privileges of the Malays. This has created an anxiety to the Malays and former Prime Minister; Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohammad had given his opinion on this issue. He said that he worried people will assume that 1 Malaysia means Malaysian Malaysia and people will misinterpret the true meaning of 1 Malaysia. (Is 1 Malaysia Just The New Malaysia Boleh, 2009) It is strange for some people to argue on the 1 Malaysia slogan by giving nonsense concern that Malays going to lost the privilege rights in our own motherland. It is also said that all this controversy is created by the opposition parties that want to bring down the government (1 Malaysia Untuk Semua, 2009).They use this slogan as a silent weapon to influence people mind about the trick behind this slogan. The truth is how Malays can lose their privilege and specialties if DAP own self – which have a complot with PAS and Parti Keadilan Rakyat – totally accepting the â€Å"Perlembagaan 1957†that had guaranteed all the special privilege rights of the Malays? (1 Malaysia Untuk Semua, 2009) Madam Rafini said it all depend on the Malaysian how they interpret this concept, if they accepting it positively, then it will be something good. Mentality of our people plays a big role in this issue.She also said that the government cannot make a decision for the Malaysian, but Malaysian itself have to decide on their own which one is right and which one is wrong (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009) For the media, they can only broadcast and spread the truth idea of 1 Malaysia by using the medium they have like television, radio and newspaper. Madam Rafini also giving her suggestion to clear the misinterpretation to some people by inviting some one that understands this concept very clearly, such as the minister to giving a talk or explanation about the truth of 1 Malaysi a. Rafini Othman, personal communication 16th September 2009) The opposition parties also accused that it is just a â€Å"cheap†slogan use by the government to trick people and they still want to play with sensitive issue such as races to weaken the government. But, our people nowadays are very smart and they can think on their own what the best is. The media also playing part by spreading the truth about this concept and explaining clearly to the Malaysian that 1 Malaysia is actually means no one in the country will be sidelined but affirmative action policies will continue.Role Of The Media To Educate People About 1 Malaysia Since 1 Malaysia concept has been introduced by the prime minister, there are a lot of opinions and variety of views from people. We can see that different people have a different interpretation about this 1 Malaysia concept, some agree and some not. This concept has its own pro and cons. So, what the media can do to educate the public about the truth of this concept? According to Madam Rafini, the broadcast journalist in Radio Television Malaysia (RTM), media plays a very important part in educating the public about this intelligent idea.As a journalist, she said she can write and produce some opinion pieces about 1 Malaysia concept and it can be read by the public. The media need to broadcast more news that related to 1 Malaysia. They need to deliver something positive and accurate to us. (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009) Besides that, the media can also broadcasting some talk show, for example with the minister with the purpose to explain deeper about this concept. She add that RTM already have this kind of program called â€Å"Bersama Menteri†and they also have a new program called â€Å"Bicara Siswa†.This talk show invited some young generation and representative from high education institution in Malaysia to talk about serious issue inside this country (Rafini Othman, personal commu nication, 16th September 2009). So, in this way we can get comments and interpretation from the youth perspective. In addition, Madam Rafini also said that advertisement can be a very effective medium to promote this concept (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009).Nowadays, we can see a lot of 1 Malaysia advertisement had been started to publish in the public area such as on the advertisement board at the highway, bus station, newspapers and others. Advertisement is a very efficient way to persuade people. The advertisement showed in the television is the best method to persuade people. Some television commercial that shows the unity of all races in Malaysia can help people to understand clearer about this concept. This creativity weapon can plant good moral values to the Malaysian. Our youth is the next generation that will inherit this country.So, they are one of the main targets to practice this concept in their life. But, it is not an easy job to attract the interest of the youngster. That is why the media has come up with one initiative to attract the youngster by creating 1 Malaysia songs. Right now, there are some versions of 1 Malaysia songs that has been listened by the public. Most of this song was sang by popular artist that our youth admired of. As a result, it is hope that our younger generation will be attracted and understand deeper about the exact meaning of 1 Malaysia. 1 Malaysia Acceptance towards Society and EducationIn terms of the acceptance of people of Malaysia regarding the concept of 1 Malaysia, our former prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir personally told his opinion that nearly 40 percent of Malaysian people still do not know and understand about the concept of 1 Malaysia. He feels that 1 Malaysia is more to political slogan rather than managing the aspirations of different races. He personally still does not see our different races community adapt this concept to their daily life A recent survey by Merdeka Centre a lso showed that 78 per cent were aware of the concept but 39 per cent still did not know what it means. Is 1 Malaysia Just The New Malaysia Boleh, 2009) We ask Madam Rafini about the big roll that journalist and the media plays in shaping Malaysian’s minded and how exactly the media helps our government to send this message clearly to Malaysian people. She admit that in Malaysia, the media is the biggest medium in giving any important message or introduce a new aspirations concept towards Malaysian people, she add that media will interprets the concept in a simple way or subliminal way.She said that the most common way in media is by using the variety of advertisement and message through the various medium like radio, internet, and most commonly television. (Rafini Othman, personal communication 16th September 2009). We can see when a new concept is being introduce, there will be a new advertisement that will be shown in the television to show our people about the reality of the new concept and how it is actually connected with our daily life. Most of the concept that are being introduce in Malaysia, it will always something that have a powerful connection in our daily life and the harmony of our country.She said that there were many advertisements that were shown everyday in the media especially in television regarding this concept. There is also advertisement that was created in more subliminal ways. This is one of the effective ways to make our people realize and think for a while about what is the concept is all about. The process also takes the whole of media team to adapt the new concept so that they can connect it in the variety of programmes that is shown in the media. In other aspect, the media is the biggest medium to spread the new concept by introducing the concept more in the media.We can see that now every single thing in the media at least will be connected to the concept starts from news telecast until other programs. Madam Rafinni said we as a media will always try to produce a good massage but the entire acceptance depends on our Malaysian people themselves. The media is just the medium to interpret a very good concept that is suitable to our country. One example that we can take is when the media produce a competition to everyone to create a song that represent one Malaysia. This shows how the media is serious to commercialize the concept. Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009) In other aspect, some Malaysian thinks that 1 Malaysia is just a political gimmick. We ask Madam Rafini if the concept will still be seen as a gimmick or it will give some impact towards Malaysian. In this case, she said that maybe the ‘gimmick’ term came from other people or other parties that not agreed with our government. Realistically, 1 Malaysia is still a new strong concept that has been produce by our new prime minister. She said it all depends on the people themselves on how they want to accept t he concept.If they are a smart person, why we want to condemn a good and relevant concept? (Rafini Othman, personal communication,16th September 2009) Madam Rafini personally feels that most of our Malaysian people are getting used to the concept rather than take it just as a gimmick. The concept will leave a permanent impact to Malaysian if it flows well towards our community. The media will always help in finding a person that specialist in this kind of concept to provide good information to publics. (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009)In terms of academic, International Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir said that through this concept, multiracial students could mingle and interact more effectively. He suggests that it can be done by making Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, and Tamil as elective subject (Single Stream School Can Make 1 Malaysia a Success, 2009). We ask Madam Rafini if the concept could be accept by our younger generations a nd how it could bring our younger generations together? She said that in term of education process, it is more to long term planning and it all depends on how it will be execute.If they are serious to execute it in our education system, we have to start from the roots. Start from pre – school to secondary school and our primary school. It will slowly educate our younger generations towards the real 1 Malaysia (Rafini Othman, personal communication, 16th September 2009). Our younger generations have to be smart. The concept is being introduced for a good reason to help our unity and to develop our country. So it all depend on the way is it carry out and our younger generations have to be positive in accepting it. ConclusionThe simple fact is that Malaysia has been exposed to several slogans from the time Dr Mahathir was prime minister in 1981. Each time, a slogan or concept has been introduced Malaysians have greeted it with optimism, hoping that it would signal a new dawn, a better Malaysia. 1 Malaysia is an intelligent idea that has been created by Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. It had brought so many opinions and interpretations in variety of perspectives. One thing for sure, this latest slogan is going to provoke some defiances but, it is also going to be a medium that will rouses people to a great unity in Malaysia. 1Malaysia People First, Performance Now†is expected to generate a definitive transformation towards an advanced Malaysian nation, underpinned by a firmly united people, and esteemed by the world. This was a reflection of the government’s intention to have more effective and meaningful achievement as demanded by the people. Thus, lead to the betterment of the Malaysian people's standard of living in acceptance of 1 Malaysia. It is also clearly distinct from the opposition’s concept of Malaysian Malaysia. 1Malaysia does not deviate from the spirit of our Federal Constitution as the law of the sta te, written or implied.In fact, the 1Malaysia concept remains faithful to the core provisions within the Federal Constitution. Therefore, no one should fear or cast aspersions that the concept the concept will deviate from what has been agreed upon by our founding fathers. When 1 Malaysia has been recognised, a lot of issues arise against this slogan. There are some people has misinterpret this slogan claiming that 1 Malaysia slogan mirrored the Malaysian Malaysia concept. Besides that, it is also said that this slogan is just a political gimmick that will erode the special privilege of Malays.The government also have to face the defying created by the opposition parties that accused 1 Malaysia concept is just a cheap slogan that will bring more harm to the people. Although, there are a lot of issues that against the concept, it’s all depend on the individual acceptance viewpoint of this concept. It begin from perception of people how they think it is, either its good or bad concept. But, our prime minister has given his explanation about the truth idea of this concept to clear all the misinterpretation.But, the truth is 1 Malaysia is actually means no one in the country will be sidelined but affirmative action policies will continue. When talking about 1 Malaysia, role of the media is very important in spreading the truth idea of this concept. From this research, we found out that media can help to educate people about 1 Malaysia by writing and publishing some article and broadcasting more news that related to 1 Malaysia. In addition, the media can also inviting the minister to explain about this concept in a talk show to ensure the complete clarification is given.Moreover, advertisement and song of 1 Malaysia is believed can attract younger generation to practise this concept in their daily life. However, no matter how much initiative done by the media to educate people, its all depend on their self because for sure, different people have their own in terpretation about 1 Malaysia. In other expect, some Malaysian feels that 1 Malaysian is just political gimmick rather than something that will give some impact towards our society. From our interviewed, we can conclude that the gimmick terms may come from other political parties and some organizations that not really agreed with our government.Actually, the percentages of people that have the bad perceptions are not that much. Most of our Malaysian people are getting used to the concept rather than take it just as a gimmick. The media will always help in finding a person that specialist in this kind of concept to provide good information to publics and produce a programme that talks about this concept in more clear and specific ways. In the aspect of educations, the suggestions that Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir made about making Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, and Tamil as elective subject is a good move if we see it from long term planning.If we want to be serious about it, we have to take t he first move from the roots, starting from pre – school to secondary school and our primary school. It will slowly educate our younger generations towards the real 1 Malaysia. It all depends on the younger generations them selves. The process of education that will be executed in schools will play big rolls in shaping younger generations perceptions, if this concept continue for a long time, our generations will be ready to accept this concept beginning from the roots and will make up a good generations.In conclusion towards the acceptance of 1 Malaysia within our society, the real situations in our societies are not really bad. Even though our prime minister said that nearly 40 percent of Malaysia still does not know what 1 Malaysia means and he feels that it is more to political slogan rather than a real concept. Because in Malaysian media plays the biggest roles, we discovered that media always try to find the best solution to provide the best information and try to make our people give a good perceptions towards the concept. Media used lots of medium like radio, internet, and most commonly television.One of the common ways is by using the advertisement plus a variety of information programme. Another example is when the media produce a competition for everyone to create 1 Malaysian song. When we can see that now every single thing in the media at least will be connected to the concept starts from news telecast until other programs. Madam Rafini said we as a media will always try to produce a good massage but the entire acceptance depends on our Malaysian people themselves. The media is just the medium to interpret a very good concept.
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